You don't die with a 'Hooray' on your lips, but with a scream, a whimper and groan, a roar of pain, and a despair beyond words. You are gripped by fear, your body is torn to shreds and bleeding dry, you crawl over the ground and yell »Corpsmen! Parameeeedics!«; and then you lie there, torn apart by pain and nobody helps you, the earth trembles from the impact of the shells, the tanks roll towards you, you see them coming, you want to crawl away, but it's not possible, you're barely a lump of bloody flesh and the chains come closer, closer and closer, you see death, you know you're about to be rolled into the ground, a death made of 30 tons of steel, rattling like a hundred thousand castanets. And then you scream, scream and pray and call for your mother... and die a wretched death. This is what the death of a hero looks like!
Heinz G. Konsalik (1921 – 1999), German writer, war correspondent in world war II.